Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rituals and Stereotypes

Hip-hop is the most popular music around these days. Since the music’s first incision it was considered to be a fad. No one, not even those who were deeply rooted in its elements even thought that it would survive.  The theory was that hip-hop music was a passing fad. How could music that had virtually no melody survive in the dog eat dog world of R&B music? This couldn't be possible could it? Tell that to Run-Dmc, the first hip-hop group to ever go gold or platinum. With smash hits like” Rock Box “and “It’s Like That” this dynamic duo set the music industry ablaze. In theory hip-hop music could never surpass the record sales of mega star rock groups such as Aerosmith, Van Halen, and Death Leopard. Not only did Run-Dmc surpass those groups, Aerosmith re-recorded   an earlier single of theirs called “Walk this Way “with the dynamic duo Run-Dmc and the collaboration sold over 10 million units nationally. The rock giants chose to be assimilated than shun the emerging music. The Roots news was disappointing, but not surprising. Top-notch rappers have a history of puzzling collaborations with cheesy rock 'n' rollers. (Mathis-Lilley, 2008)
                Trying to put the value of hip-hop culture in the proper perspective is like trying to convince the world that the pope is Jewish. No one would ever believe it. The pope is not Jewish and hip-hop will never go anywhere. How could it? It is the building blocks for everything that fun. Hip-hop sets trends; it personifies the greatness in all who chooses to do it as a hobby or a profession. The common consensus among hip-hop moguls is that the music lasted because it was all we had. Most of us come from the slums and ghettos. A big radio and a couple of hip-hop tapes like the Fat Boys and Eric B & Rakim and all of a sudden it was a party. I know guys who went to worked just long enough to buy turn tables and a microphone and then they quit. The theory was if they had this equipment they could throw parties every weekend and charge money at the door and oh how the money rolled in. The Dj actually birthed the rapper because during the time a break beat was playing (the music in between records) select guys or girls would take the microphone and say a verse or two. The rap records actually started as a rapper rapping over a break beat and quickly evolved from there. The rhyming created by rappers is considered by many to be one of the most sophisticated styles of poetry. (History of Rap Music, 2013)

Friday, April 12, 2013

" Brain " from the popular 90's cartoon " Pinky and the Brain" is a personal idol of mines. No matter how many times he failed at trying to take over the world; he always kept trying and that attitude  in part personifies who I am. Animal from the Muppet's is a wild spirited puppet who plays the drums. I like him because he approaches music with reckless abandon and so do I. Lastly, there is Bruce Lee who humbly beats any competition in his way. He definite personifies the third and last part of my personality.

Pinky personifies the struggle to reach the pinnacle of success. He wants to be the top dog on the block and maybe if he didn't have a fool for a partner he could accomplish that feat. Let go of the fools in your life. My father always said that you can't be a millionaire hanging around people who aren't millionaires and that assertion was correct. If you want to take over the world, you can't hang around fools who tittle their thumbs and play video games. Animal attacks the drums and music like we all should attack life. Sure he might look crazy playing the drums and we might all look crazy playing this game of life, but the key to it all is that you have to keep playing.

Bruce Lee represents the end of the struggle to be the best you can be. Once you know your the best, there is no need to walk around bragging about how your the best. Actions speak louder than words. At this point you have mastered it all and all the preparation is over. It is time to show the world what you have. Being the best doesn't mean you have to put it up in lights so that everyone can see it. If your the best, everyone will know it. Know what it takes to be the best and go get what you have coming to you.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I chose Hip-Hop as my blog because it fuels what everyone buys, says and wears. In my spare time I create Hip-Hop music in my home and I watch how it has influenced cultures apart from the Urban community. Why it is not unheard of to see 70 year-old white grandmothers on YouTube shaking their money makers to the sounds of Bey-once or Little Wayne. Little Wayne started a clothing line called Truk-Fit  aimed towards suburban america and the skateboarding generation and can't keep it in the stores. Jay-Z is another popular rapper who along with wife Bey-once have their hands in everything from NBA franchises to restaurants and the rest of the world is taking notes and trying to immolate the Blueprint.