Friday, April 12, 2013

" Brain " from the popular 90's cartoon " Pinky and the Brain" is a personal idol of mines. No matter how many times he failed at trying to take over the world; he always kept trying and that attitude  in part personifies who I am. Animal from the Muppet's is a wild spirited puppet who plays the drums. I like him because he approaches music with reckless abandon and so do I. Lastly, there is Bruce Lee who humbly beats any competition in his way. He definite personifies the third and last part of my personality.

Pinky personifies the struggle to reach the pinnacle of success. He wants to be the top dog on the block and maybe if he didn't have a fool for a partner he could accomplish that feat. Let go of the fools in your life. My father always said that you can't be a millionaire hanging around people who aren't millionaires and that assertion was correct. If you want to take over the world, you can't hang around fools who tittle their thumbs and play video games. Animal attacks the drums and music like we all should attack life. Sure he might look crazy playing the drums and we might all look crazy playing this game of life, but the key to it all is that you have to keep playing.

Bruce Lee represents the end of the struggle to be the best you can be. Once you know your the best, there is no need to walk around bragging about how your the best. Actions speak louder than words. At this point you have mastered it all and all the preparation is over. It is time to show the world what you have. Being the best doesn't mean you have to put it up in lights so that everyone can see it. If your the best, everyone will know it. Know what it takes to be the best and go get what you have coming to you.

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